
Our travel adventures

Snowy Day in Dresden, Germany | Magnificent Treasures

Woke up and packed, but skipped the free hotel breakfast. Instead, walked over to McDonalds for a fountain diet coke to start my day. A small market was just opening so Sandra and I looked through the shops and a large amazing church filled the background. All of the buildings are really amazing in Europe. We then left and drove to nearby Dresden, Germany. The drive on back roads and small towns was really beautiful. Another cool observation is that in front of the houses, everyone has their shrubs and trees decorated with lots of painted Easter eggs. Meat and cheese; meat and cheese moment. Thank goodness for mom Sandra who has been keeping our snacks safe – we had a great snack during our drive and I made a sandwich of salami and cheese on a baguette. I’ve also noticed there are lots of windfarms everywhere we’ve traveled thus far. So…we arrived in Dresden and found that it’s FREEZING today – weather reports predicted snow in Dresden – they were not wrong! One minute we were sweating and 75/80 degrees in Bratislava, and now we are VERY bundled up. We are appreciative that Jerry had coordinated getting us all tickets to the Dresden Residenzchloss (Palace), which was not only the seat of government of the former electors and kings of Saxony; it has been a cultural focal point within the city. It underwent a costly and complex reconstruction after it was destroyed in WWII. We saw the Turckische Cammer (Collection of Oriental Art of the Armoury) – talk about fancy and bejeweled guns, knives, and saddles! The Neues Grunes Gewolbe (Treasure Museum) also showcased amazing items, lots of jewelry, including the world’s only green diamond and it was HUGE at 41 carats. We had a special admission ticket to the Historisches Grunes Gewolbe (Historic Green Vault) and had to leave jackets, purses, etc and only be admitted 2 people at a time. There were beautiful ivory carvings, bronze statues, jewels, and other precious treasury objects. We had an issue getting our purses back from coat check but after Sandra and I got fired up, they Finally returned them – holy heart attack!!! We all loved the museum! After our museum time, we all walked around the city. Jeremy and Bob got brats from a local vendor and we all got hot chocolates because it was still snowing off and on. We did some window shopping and stopped at a cafe for soup (my potato soup had sliced hotdogs in it-weird) and ice cream. Jeremy needs to brush up on his German as he went to the wrong water closet: Damen (ladies) Herren (men). Can’t fault him because “da men” sounds like it’s for men… We also grabbed some candied nuts (just like at the MAGIC basketball games.) Finally we all met at the parking garage and drove the 20 minutes to our hotel outside of town. Schloss Hotel Dresden Pillnitz was built by Saxon King August the Strong. I walked around the grounds while others were relaxing or wandering, and again it started snowing. It is so beautiful and awesome to be staying in a palace. We all wanted to take it easy tonight so we just went out and grabbed McDonalds and I’m enjoying a glass of wine in the room. FYI – they are having the Monopoly promotion and Bob won a McCappucino. When we returned, the hotel had left us an Easter Treat which is delicious and a nice surprise. Wishing everyone a HAPPY EASTER!! Missing the family and hope everyone enjoys hunting eggs tomorrow. He is Risen – He is Risen Indeed!!!

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